Materials: rocks that kids gather, small bowls, water, vinegar, magnets, pennies, pencils, colored pencils, copies of the skill sheet
Overview: Children will test to see if their rock floats in water, fizzes with vinegar, sticks to a magnet, or can be scratched by a penny.
- Before beginning the activity: Have students gather rocks, either at home or at school. Smaller rocks work best for this.
- Right before the activity: At each table, set up a rock testing station: a bowl of water to test floating, a bowl of vinegar to test fizzing, a magnet, and a penny to try to scratch the rock. (Alternatively, make each test a station that kids progress through.)
- Give each child a copy of the skill sheet. Make sure each child has a rock. Send kids off to test!
- Will the rock fizz in vinegar? (Yes, if it’s limestone.) Will it stick to a magnet? (Yes, if it’s magnetite, which has iron.) Will it float? (Yes, if it’s pumice.) Can it be scratched? (Yes, if it’s not too hard.)
- Record data on the skill sheets.